I always had the plan to write more than one book.  In fact, I knew when I started the Third Heaven series that it needed to be at least three books to tell the story.  It was just too epic to do the story justice with less.

Now after seven years, the book is finished and is out and I’ve received some wonderful praise form readers who have enjoyed the work.

That first book was so fun to write yet also so hard, and yet If you asked me at the time did I know the whole story with all the nuances that are contained within the plot I would have had to tell you no.

Someone has said that writing a novel is like driving a car at night with your headlights on.  You can only see so far ahead of you.  I have found this to be true in my own experience.

Presently I stand at 70,459 of 80,000 words complete and wonder can lightning strike twice.  Can I give my readers that same since of wonder, epic battles and character development that they enjoyed in the first book?  On some levels, it seems a daunting task.  Can I live up to my readers expectations?  And more importantly can I live up to my own.  Can I build off the platform of the first book and bring a second into existence that provides that same feel that makes the reader go ‘wow?’  Can I write a novel that is pleasing to God?

For all my friends, family and those in support of me.  I am simply asking for your prayers.  Pray for me that as a writer of Christian fiction I would produce something that honors God, and gives the body of Christ something to look at and say yeah he is one of us.  That this book will serve as an affirmation that indeed as an author I can keep your attention for 300-400 pages.  One of the awesome things about being a Christian Fiction writer is that I can network in a way very different from a conventional writer.  I can solicit your prayers!  And as such my readers can partner with me in a way that other authors without Christ can never experience!

So I’m asking for your prayers that the enemy who seems to be attacking me more as of late, will be frustrated in his purposes.  That all spiritual roadblocks that would attempt to bring this story to bear would be removed, and that my mind would be anointed to bring a spirit of refreshment to the body of Christ through fiction.

This next story is about God’s love and really seeks to show the love that God has that he would send his only begotten son to save us.  So I think the spiritual attack I’m sensing has to do with this.

So let me give a teaser.  Remember Enoch from the Bible?  Well he is going to figure prominently in this book.  The plan is to explore more of the landscape of Heaven, and we will continue the aftermath that ensues now that a third of the angelic host has left and seeks to frustrate the purposes of El.  Battles?  Yep they are in there, and again I will attempt with the Lord’s help to bring a layer to the book that weaves the language of the KJV, and brings that sense that you are reading something from the Bible.

So thanks in advance for your prayers, and for helping bring these stories to life via your support.

Thanks be to God who always gives us the victory through Christ Jesus!


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