Spiritual Bootcamp_Cb

Well its been a busy several weeks.  I haven’t blogged as much because I have been looking for full time work, and I have had the privilege of becoming a freelance writer for Examiner.com.

I’ve posted a couple of articles now.  Here’s one of them.  http://www.examiner.com/article/3d-printing-and-the-birth-of-the-replicator

Besides simply trying to put food on the table, and writing for the Examiner.  I have finally finished as of today the synopsis for m novel.  It’s been a long road, but its done.  There’s only problem.  It’s 15 pages long!  Ok so I took almost a 400 page novel and summarized it in 15 pages.  Now I’ve got to cut it down to say 5 and then one.

Arggggghhhhh!!  But hey such is the art of revision.  🙂  It’s amazing what you see when you do a synopsis.  I see scenes that I’m wondering if I should add, or if I can rewrite.  

In addition, to working on my synopsis, I’ve been working on a few book trailers.  Here’s the latest let me know what you think. 

And yes I will be posting more,I’m  trying to adjust to the freelance writing schedule and the blogging.

Until next time!