Well I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend here in the US.  I wanted to give people an update on what’s been going on with me, and the writing.  As many of you know I’ve been working on finishing this audio book of the The Birth of God.  Well after it was submitted to ACX they kicked it back saying the peak levels were too high.  So my producer Angelo, had to take care of that, and resubmit it.  I’m happy to report that ACX approved the changes and the book is headed to retail.  It should REALLY be out any day now.  I apologize for the delay.  Some things are simply out of my control.

I’ve had so many people ask me about my new non-fiction book, I’ve Finished My Novel: Now What?  Well that too has taken longer than expected to get done.  While the Kindle version is complete and available for pre-order and will be on July 11th.  The more important print version has been kicking my butt as I’ve worked to format it correctly.  I thought I was done but when I uploaded it to Createspace I found out it was 8.5 x 11 when it was supposed to be 6×9.  Ugh.  Back to the drawing board.  Thankfully, it will be done this week.

I want to thank those of you had remembered me in prayer as I have the opportunity to teach a local class in Ann Arbor about authorprenuership. I’ve got a 5 week class coming in the fall.  I’m looking forward to it.  It’s wonderful to get paid for what you enjoy, and that people find value in what you have to offer.  I praise God for his goodness, and am looking forward to the future.

Well last but not least, I’m happy to report that I am back at writing the third book in the series.  Man is it going to be a doozy!  We will explore the three days that Jesus was in Hell.  We will travel to the sealed area of Heaven, to discover…well I wont tell, but I promise it will be good.   More revelations will come as to the extent of Lucifer’s trafficking and what lead to his eventual fall.  What will happen to Talus now that he is captured in Hell?  What are Micheal’s plans for Iblis?  And we will see Enoch and yes Elijah have pivotal roles in the the war effort against the renegade Lucifer.  Will Lucifer cross the gulf to destroy the righteous dead?

I recently went on a 12 mile bike ride and was thinking of the various scenes and the story and they are clawing to get out of my head to the page.  There wish and your desire to see more in this series is my command.  As I have officially started to pen the next chapter in the series.  I ask for your continued prayers and support as I endeavor to write what I believe to be some of the greatest stories still untold.

I have chosen the theme music for this book (each has one.) and Audiomachines, New Beginning is the choice for book three.  It’s a sweeping epic piece that evokes beauty, power, and rising strings, and choral voices raise images in my mind of struggle, defeat, resurrection, wonder, and triumph.   It’s an emotional piece that I hope gives a glimpse and taste of the wonder I hope to evoke in this next book.  Enjoy!
