Would you partner with me in a dream? 

For years I have watched movie makers and novelists write best sellers, of epic tales of far away places.  I have always dreamed that God would one day use me to speak to the world in a gripping tale of like manner.

In my audacity to think big, I believe God placed in me almost 8 years ago the desire to tell the story of the fall of Lucifer.  To use my imagination to weave a tale of wonder, angles, God, and battles involving the angelic host.  Now after all these years I am approaching the finalization of that dream.

The Third Heaven: The Rise of Fallen Stars is the novel that has taken me 8 years of work.  I am asking if you would be willing to help me by adding your support to this project.

I have started a KickStarter campaign showing how you can specifically help and am emailing everyone I know to share in the novels success.  You can find the link here. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1744195552/the-third-heaven-the-rise-of-fallen-stars

I’m offering some great rewards for my supporters and hoping you will join me!

You can find the complete details and what I am pledging to you as the creator of this project here. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1744195552/the-third-heaven-the-rise-of-fallen-stars

The novel is done.  However, to make it a success commercially I am in need to some professionals to assist me in the areas of copy editing, cover design and marketing.  Your contribution will allow these challenges to be met.

Here is the brand new trailer for my book!

You have been a supporter of me, and I want to thank God in advance, for your taking the time to join with me in helping to bring this novel to commercial realization.  I believe this is the year, and with your help it will happen!  I’m looking for YOUR support.  Would you help me?

​Remember: the prequel to the Bible is here!