I love the church.  I love the culture of the church.  White, African-american,Asian, etc.  Over my years I’ve been to many churches both mega churches and store fronts.  I will always have a special love for the African american segment of the body of Christ.

When you go to a black protestant church there a couple things you can usually expect.  Good music, a good word where the speaker reads the Bible, and if one of the local congregations let their “hair down”.  You might even see people dance. Now I’ve seen dances in the club and I’ve seen dances in the church.  So for a light hearted look at my own people.  (You have to be able to make fun of yourself!) Enjoy this wonderful little video that this group has put together that simply shines a humorous mirror at a tiny piece of what is sometimes the African american church experience.

This video has been viewed over a million times.  And deservedly so.  Have fun.  I found out which dances I’ve done.  Did you find yours?

To my wonderful white brethren in the body of Christ…its OK to laugh….we laugh at it too.  🙂