
Greetings grasshopper: sit to understand the way of the “Net”.  For the internet, is a vast computer network storing and sharing a wealth of information.  This network has created the phenomenon that we call the World Wide Web.

Ahh but this you know; patience grasshopper––patience.

The Net is most voracious in its ability to swallow information, and is unforgiving in displaying its wares.  For this purpose reader-san: you must understand the art of Google-Fu.

Google-Fu is learning what information the Net knows and particularly knows about you.

To do this you must understand what drives the Nets need to know you; and then––you must know yourself.

You must know this reader-san or you will falter when your identity is stolen, or when girlfriend or employer sees your indiscretions on Facebook.  Then you will pine for Google-Fu to protect you but by then it will be too late.

Young pupil, appreciate and master the Net.  Only with this knowledge will you come to understand its power.  For the Net is like the air: it surrounds us, refreshes us or levels our relational houses.  Know this and you will not know defeat in your affiliations.

We will discover together the information the Net has captured about you.  How you have surrendered this information and may recover yourself from disaster should you choose to walk the path of the wise.

Therefore, reader-san, start with this truth: the Net knows only two things: one: what it has been given, and two––what you have given to it.

Dwell on this truth grasshopper, next week we will begin your training, and start with what has been given to the Net.

Now go meditate.